She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
Women of Virtue provides and opportunity to learn more about being a follower of Christ and more of what it means to be a woman who follows Christ. We seek the Word of God and provide one another with love and support.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Small Groups
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In our Women of Virtue group we all have the desire to grow our walk with God. Women of Virtue not only do small group, but retreats and we go out into the community to uplift and empower other women. When we define the word Virtue it says a behavior showing high moral standards; goodness, righteousness, morality, integrity, dignity, honor, and purity. God created us in His image and we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Although we are no longer under the Old Testament law, the Old Testament is still relevant and useful for us today. In this introductory lesson, Doritta Johnson explores the background and history surrounding the Old Testament Book of Ruth. Join us as Doritta presents a lesson on Ruth 1:1-5 and the dangers of relying on yourself rather than God.
Although we are no longer under the Old Testament law, the Old Testament is still relevant and useful for us today. In this introductory lesson, Doritta Johnson explores the background and history surrounding the Old Testament Book of Ruth. Join us as Doritta presents a lesson on Ruth 1:1-5 and the dangers of relying on yourself rather than God.
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Faith is more than just belief in God. Faith motivates us to action and defines how we act from how we treat others to our work ethic. Join us as Doritta Johnson delves into the second chapter of Ruth and what faith in action looks like.
Faith is more than just belief in God. Faith motivates us to action and defines how we act from how we treat others to our work ethic. Join us as Doritta Johnson delves into the second chapter of Ruth and what faith in action looks like.
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This program is taught by and intended for women.
Throughout our lives we will face both happy days and sad days, times of plenty and times of famine. When faced with hardship we can either react with bitterness or we can trust in the Lord. Join us as Doritta Johnson presents a lesson on Ruth 1:6-22 and what it means to have faith in times of faithlessness.
Throughout our lives we will face both happy days and sad days, times of plenty and times of famine. When faced with hardship we can either react with bitterness or we can trust in the Lord. Join us as Doritta Johnson presents a lesson on Ruth 1:6-22 and what it means to have faith in times of faithlessness.
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In ancient Israel, kinsman redeemers brought hope and deliverance to those who were in hopeless situations. Today, God has provided for us our own kinsman redeemer. Join us as Doritta Johnson explores the role of the kinsman redeemer, both in ancient Israel and for us today, as she presents a lesson on the third and fourth chapters of Ruth.
In ancient Israel, kinsman redeemers brought hope and deliverance to those who were in hopeless situations. Today, God has provided for us our own kinsman redeemer. Join us as Doritta Johnson explores the role of the kinsman redeemer, both in ancient Israel and for us today, as she presents a lesson on the third and fourth chapters of Ruth.